Sallatunturin Tuvat
Below are some of the pieces I have edited for Sallatuntrurin Tuvat: A tourism business located in Salla, Lapland. Pieces can either be found physically in the resort or online.
More information can be found on Sallatunturin Tuvat's website: https://www.sallatunturi.fi
Restaurant Kiela's Menu: Winter 22-23
The Story of Sallatunturin Tuvat
Edited for the "about us" part of the company's website.
The webpage can be found here: https://www.sallatunturi.fi/en/contact/tupien-tarina/
Sallatunturin Tuvat's Responsibility Plan
Edited for the "about us" part of the company's website.
The webpage can be found here: https://www.sallatunturi.fi/en/contact/tupien-tarina/
Things to do in Salla: Summer
Edited content for the company's website: A series of posts, highlighting interesting activities for tourists staying in Salla.
The webpage can be found here: https://www.sallatunturi.fi/en/tekemista-sallassa/
Things to do in Salla: Winter
Edited content for the company's website: A series of posts, highlighting interesting winter activities for tourists staying in Salla.
The webpage can be found here: https://www.sallatunturi.fi/en/tekemista-talvella/
Things to do in Salla: Year-round
Edited content for the company's website: A series of posts, highlighting interesting activities for tourists staying in Salla.
The webpage can be found here: https://www.sallatunturi.fi/en/tekemista-sallassa/